Mr. Lincoln
what month it is! Mr. Lincoln is blooming, huge red fragrant blossoms! And now, as if to keep up, Chrysler Imperial has budded as well.
The birds are everywhere and the squirrels are camping out on the deck, waiting for me to fill the bird feeders!
Pansies are still blooming with the kale:
Inside, the Hyacinths and African Violets are blooming white and cheering up the gloomy days we've been having lately. Not complaining - it has been raining!
And the Amaryllis is growing a couple of inches a day and will probably bloom by next week! I love spring!!!
Trying to get the shop stocked a bit better, so I have been blending batts and dyeing fiber.
First, batts: Canyon Sunset and Starry Night:
Canyon Sunset captures the colors of the sunset over the Grand Canyon.
Starry Night was inspired by a Vincent Van Gogh painting, Starry Night Over the Rhone.
And a few braids dyed last week. I love this fiber, a blend of merino 50%, silk 25%, and bamboo 25%. Handling it is like stroking a kitten and the fiber spins like a dream!
Not sure what to name this one - it looks like a sunset to me, but it also makes me think of raspberry orange sherbet.
This one is Sealed With a Kiss. It is a companion braid to the batts of the same name.
Next...Sophie's Baby Surprise Jacket: trials, successes, and a little fluffy stuff.