This has been a very unusual year for me. After the
Yellow Rose Fiber Festival and the
Mississippi State Fiber Festival, all fiber related efforts came to a screeching halt! The summer has been spent having and recovering from a complicated knee surgery, so I have been out of touch with everything for some time!
Since standing long enough to dye or card fiber has been an impossibility, I have been concentrating on other fiber related pursuits, knitting and felting project, drop spindle, and spinning wheel accessory bags. They have turned out well and will be offered at Kid' N Ewe in November.
Catching Fire |
The other efforts that are coming together well are inspired by the "Hunger Games" series of books and movies. Yarn, spinning fiber and patterns inspired by the main characters are being planned and test knitted - very exciting!
Here is a sneak peek at one of the colorways inspired by "Catching Fire" :
Tomorrow: a peek at the Primrose Shawl!